Rapid development, growing population and urbanization trends are resulting in rapid real estate development across various sectors, be it residential, commercial or industrial. Most of this development is seen in emerging markets and India is one of them. Existing buildings today consume 40 percent of the total electricity globally and generate 19 percent of energy-related GHG emissions. Year on year, pressure on the environment is growing and sustainable development is the only way forward. Currently, green building is not mandatory and hence only a handful of buildings are certified as green. Developers and consumers are not aware of the financial benefits of resource-efficient and sustainable buildings. To embrace greener development systems, resource-efficient building practices must be introduced and implemented. Green construction can reduce emissions, save building material and conserve water & energy for decades.
Even if one wishes to develop sustainable buildings, how would one know the exact requirements to achieve this? Is there a governing law or mandate that states what exactly is necessary? Can an existing building be transformed into a sustainable building? Although many such complex questions may arise while considering green building initiatives, the answer is simple…
EDGE is an online platform, a green building standard and a certification system. The EDGE application helps to determine the most cost-effective options for designing green within a local climate context. EDGE can be used for buildings of all vintages, including new construction, existing buildings and major retrofits. EDGE is a unique innovation of IFC (INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION), member of the World Bank Group. It has already been adopted in over 150 countries. EDGE was created with the intent to offer a simplistic and yet measurable solution to make a positive business case for building green.
KSH is an organization that does not shy away from accepting change or learning new ways. After developing a couple of industrial parks, the core leadership at KSH realized the need for green building, given the amount of resources that are consumed every day. We have pledged to adopt and implement sustainable development in all ongoing and future developments. Now equipped with the EDGE Certification, we are on a mission to develop highly efficient and sustainable industrial and warehousing infrastructure. KSH Chakan Park 2 is one of only few industrial parks across Pune that offer ecologically sustainable infrastructure. At present, all buildings within Chakan Park 2 have been preliminarily assessed and certified by EDGE. The projected savings are quite impressive and will drastically reduce environmental pressure. In addition to this, it will also shrink operational costs and benefit clients. KSH would also execute a massive plantation drive with over a 1000 trees planted within the premises by team members and leaders alike to create a fresh and aesthetically appealing work environment.
India, being on the verge of becoming a global power, all industries owe it to the future generations to develop responsibly and we at KSH are committed to playing our part.