Sustainability in Industrial Infrastructure: Driving Green Development at KSH INFRA

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Driving Green Development at KSH INFRA

At KSH INFRA, we understand the world’s dire need for a sustainable future—a responsibility that extends to all industries, including ours. In our pursuit to create sustainable industrial infrastructure, the recognition we’ve achieved serves not only to validate our efforts but also to mark our contribution to a greener industrial future. The stringent standards we’ve adhered to and the certifications we’ve attained convey our unwavering commitment to sustainable development.

As we delve deeper into our sustainability practices, we invite you to observe firsthand how KSH INFRA equally encompasses ambition and responsibility in fostering green development. Our steadfast commitment towards significantly reducing environmental impact while developing state-of-the-art warehouses and industrial parks is not merely a strategic initiative but a testament to our resolve to ensure sustainable development at the heart of our operations.

The Need for Sustainability

Industrial infrastructure plays a critical role in greenhouse gas emissions. KSH INFRA acknowledges this reality and has made intentional strides towards sustainable warehousing—better for businesses, the environment, and ultimately humanity.

Inside a KSH INFRA Green Warehouse

We optimise energy use with efficient lighting and equipment; our use of LEDs and motion sensors epitomises this. Our warehouses use sustainable materials designed to improve air quality. We adopt stringent recycling and waste management practices while ensuring safety and adherence to best-in-class amenities.

The Green Warehouse Exterior

Our sustainable practices extend beyond our building walls. We incorporate rainwater harvesting and solar panels, while reflective roofing material boosts our energy efficiency. Moreover, we strategically position shade-bearing trees for natural cooling.

Infrastructure Planning for Sustainability

KSH INFRA’s industrial parks are strategically positioned to reduce transportation emissions. We develop brownfield sites, bring benefits to communities, and leverage current infrastructure for sustainability. With local authorities, we ensure an eco-friendly approach towards development, fostering positive social impact and creating employment opportunities.

The Impacts of Our Green Development

Our unwavering commitment to sustainability is validated by the IGBC Platinum certification in progress and the prestigious EDGE certification for Chakan Park II Industrial Park. These accomplishments showcase our dedication to creating responsible infrastructure, fostering a green industrial future, and upholding our position as a leader in sustainable development.

Sustainability Certifications Validate Our Commitment

Our sustainable efforts result in environmental benefits and carbon footprint reduction. Communities and ecosystems around our facilities enjoy positive effects, while we achieve cost savings. Our brand reputation gets a boost, attracting eco-conscious clients.

Our commitment to green practices is proven by the Indian Green Building Council’s (IGBC) Platinum certification in progress for our Chakan Park III Industrial Park. As stated by IGBC—a wing of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)—, its mission aligns with ours: to develop a sustainable built environment for all. The certification is a testament to our rigorous pursuit of innovation and improvement in our infrastructure.

Adding another accolade to our sustainability efforts, Chakan Park II has received the EDGE certification (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiency). Being a globally recognised standard adopted in over 150 countries, EDGE ensures resource-efficient and sustainable infrastructure—perfectly aligned with our sustainability objectives.

Future Goals & Commitment

Driven by innovation, we aim to expand our green initiatives across all our future parks. We intend to rally our partners towards a collective sustainable impact—aligning with global sustainability frameworks and goals.


In conclusion, our green achievements underline our commitment to sustainability—a crusade we heartily invite other industrial developers to join. After all, green development is key to a sustainable future.

At KSH INFRA, we stand as a beacon of hope setting the pace in sustainability. Our ethos ties us to the future, and our dedication keeps us focused. Navigating the challenges, we remain unabashed in our commitment to delivering high-quality, efficient, sustainable industrial parks. We are not just building warehouses and industrial parks but shaping a future that generations will be proud of.

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